Thursday, January 17, 2013

Disgusted with the internet - The Haven


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:19 pm?? ?Post subject: Disgusted with the internet Reply with quote

I know I use the internet and can't live without it any more, I am still disgusted with the way the internet has basically took over everything and is making companies lose out on business and hundreds of jobs are being lost. It is happening as we speak, and it is very worrying.

I have now heard that HMV (UK record shop) is going under because of so many people shopping online for DVDs and CDs. That is my favourite shop, it is the only place I can go when I need to go to a shopping centre (to get some shoes that need trying on or something) and after I get what I wanted I usually go into HMV and have a look, to kill time before the next bus, because I can't hang around in clothes shops for too long, and that's all there is. Now HMV is gone I will have nowhere exciting to look. It's really not fair. So many stupid idiotic people are buying things online, but there are still millions of people that like to actively browse around the shops too, for something to do.

I am also worrying that all this internet shopping will soon destroy every retail business and there will be no shops left standing any more, instead everywhere will just get derelict. People don't realise that the internet is destroying everything. It is worrying me.
Not only that, the internet isn't that reliable. Computers cost to update, you have to be careful of viruses, you have to be careful of what you're buying, you have to be careful of what you're downloading, and it is easy for people (older people that aren't used to computers, or people who are stupider than average, like me,) to end up getting their bank accounts hacked into. I tried downloading Adblocker the other day from Google, and I suddenly ended up with SweetIM as my browser, and I couldn't get rid of it, and it slowed down all my internet and everything. Now after fiddling around I have finally removed it, but my internet is still having a few problems with speed ever since. Also the connection from the router randomly cuts out and disrupts everything. This can be more frustrating than going out shopping among crowds of people sometimes...
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:31 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

maybe ... if ... but ... hardly... etc...

out of town malls are what screwed up UK high streets.

the web is most useful to me, good for finding tip top things that I need at the right price, books that are not mainstream to feed my brain and it has rejuvinated my own particular niche manufacturing business, ahhhhhh ... the joy of not having to go to a town and deal with surly uncommunicative ass-hole sales ppl .....

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:29 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

I often wish I could order my weekly supply of groceries online instead of going to the store because I HATE the crowds, and the line-ups, especially around holidays and when people get their monthly checks. I didn't always hate grocery shopping but the store I go to recently got expanded and now it there seem to be more people than ever there and there aren't many other stores that have a decent stock of groceries nearby. When I'm shopping there it seems all I say is excuse me excuse me sorry, sorry for being in your way, SORRY FOR EXISTING!!! And I normally take my time while everyone else rushes around in complete madness. It's like I can't even take a minute to decide what to choose from all the products, prices, and quality and then I turn around and see I'm blocking someone who wants to get past. Are the aisles getting more narrow, or am I getting more wide? Laughing I also seem to have a weird curse there when I'm next in line the cashier suddenly seems to forget how to use the cash register or someone calls her and she puts ME on hold, or the person in front of me is an 80-year old and forgets how to use a credit card or cash a check. There are screaming kids and teens yapping away on phones and since I don't have a car or drive I have to call my mother on the phone to drive me back to my apartment. But the store people don't like people having their cars right in front of the doors so I have to lug my shopping cart down to this empty corner on the sidewalk while I wait and it could be freezing or frying but there's not place to go inside. And one time some guy came up to me asking for a smoke. Not a teen but a grown man! I don't smoke and wasn't smoking, so why would he assume I had cigarettes on me, that is so stupid and annoying! Also I have to try to be home before the kids in the high school across the street are let out for the day or there will be cars and buses everywhere and sometimes my mom can't even drive up to the steps to my apartment. So I have to lug my bags of groceries such as big bags of kitty litter even further and then up two sets of stairs. UGH!!! wall Of course I don't want all stores to close down because where I live there's not much else to do or to go to. There's not a lot outside my home I feel like doing, anyway. But most of the other stores in the "city" I live in are terrible. I'm lucky if they have something that I really want and end up searching all over for it and they don't have it if I ask if they will get it soon the answer is nearly always I don't know. When I was a kid going to town or the mall was like going to Disneyland, but back then the stores were a lot better and everything was more fun as a kid but not any more. Sad and I can't order stuff online even when I want to because I have no credit cards I can't afford them and I don't get this Pay Pal thing or whatever it's called. Sad I know this was a very long rant, but I just had to get it out even though I just let my Mr. Noodles boil into a pot of disgusting sludge on the stove. Good thing I didn't set the place on fire. Embarassed
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