Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dealing with threats in kids and teens communities- presentation

I was looking through my resources folder and found a presentation I delivered a while ago.

It's about dealing with threats in kids & teens communities (pretty obvious from the title, huh?)

It's available here: http://www.redmagegames.com/moderati...ommunities.pdf (it's a PDF version of a Powerpoint - complete with a transcript of notes, etc.)

Other resources will be uploaded to http://www.redmagegames.com/moderation/ so you can check it out, or whatever.

I know most of the stuff is pretty boring, but it's important - we have to all do our bit to protect kids/teens online.

Source: http://www.virtualpetlist.com/showthread.php/13685-Dealing-with-threats-in-kids-and-teens-communities-presentation

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