Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Top 5 Foods That Make You Hungrier | Buy the Quantum Scale now!


Just as they can make you full, foods can make you hungry. We?ve all been through grabbing a bagel on the way out of the house in the morning, only to feel our stomach rumbling again just minutes after. As it turns out all food is not created equal when it comes to making you full.

The more fiber, protein, and water a food contains, the more?satiating it is.?The less fiber, water, and protein a food contains, the hungrier you will feel after eating it.?Satiety is the term defining that feeling that you get when you are full and satisfied after eating.

So here is a list of the top 5 foods that make you hungry instead of keeping you energetic:

1. Diet Soda: You?re probably thinking: ?Surely a zero calorie soda is better than drinking a sugar filled drink?. The truth is artificial?sweeteners found in low-calorie drinks?have been proved to increase appetite and boost sugar cravings over time.

2. French Fries:?Although french fries are considered to be vegetables, they are really just starchy simple carbs, fried, salted, and dipped in high fructose corn syrup (ketchup). With all the salt and carbs, fries will always leave you wishing that you ordered a supersize.

3. Pastries and Baked Goods: Simple carbohydrates such as white flour and white sugar contain zero fiber and minimal nutrients. Also, simple carbs are burned as soon as they are eaten, resulting in a large insulin spike, followed by a sugar crash. This means you?ll be wanting a second breakfast every time. That is why those delicious scrumptious?donuts you had for breakfast feel?like a distant memory just a half hour after they touched your lips.

4. Chinese Takeout:?Chinese takeout is really high in MSG, which is a flavor enhancer added to processed foods to make them more palatable. And guess what? A?side effect of MSG?is increased hunger.

5. Processed Cereals:?Just like the baked goods, cereals can be a high carb breakfast with little long-term energy return. If you really enjoy having cereal for breakfast, go for a whole grain cereal that is rich in fiber, nuts and seeds like?muesli. Make sure to add?fresh fruit to your meal for a filling, nutritious breakfast.

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