Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cell Phone Spy Computer software: Spy Bubble Review | Wolfspirit ...

A cell phone spying plan is often a plan that invisibly captures communications and events originating from a cell phone. Events being issues like phone calls sent, phone calls received, text messages sent, text messages received, etc. The way these programs function is you install a small and invisible application on the cell phone (needs to become a intelligent phone such as BlackBerry, Android, iPhone,etc) When this application is installed it sends information concerning the phone?s events to a server. You, the member, log onto a server by way of a web browser anytime from the day or night so it is possible to view detailed information like each and every incoming or outgoing phone calls phone number, time, length of call, every single text message incoming or outgoing and more. The exact attributes available depend upon which cell phone spying program you choose.

FlexiSpy ? This company is often a big player inside the mobile phone spy and reconnaissance marketplace. It is also by far essentially the most pricey using the least expensive plans beginning at $149 for a one-year membership. On the list of reasons this firm can command such a high dollar quantity is they have two spy features not accessible with the other players; spybug-this feature turns the targets cell phone into a spying microphone. All that is certainly required will be the target phone is turned on. With this feature you are able to hear every little thing going on within about 20 feet in the phone. remote call monitor-by far one of the most powerful feature. When the target cell phone tends to make or receives a phone call your cell phone is notified using a text message. You dial the target?s phone number and are instantly patched in to hear the precise conversation reside without them understanding about it. These two features are only obtainable on their much more high-priced plans of $249 or $349 respectively. Additional functions accessible include the ones listed above below ?Basic localizador de celular features and what they are?

What this fundamentally implies is any cell phone and that remains unattended for only a minute or two is susceptible towards the installation of this program. In case you are concerned about your own phone there ought to be a lesson to you to never leave it unattended. As soon as this application gets installed on your phone there is certainly nearly no way for you to understand what?s there. Your phone will operate because it usually does giving you no indication anything has been installed.

The recording attributes depending on audio and visuals have been used at some levels to improve the capacities of communication. Some phones include the built-in answering machines although other individuals have the supporting functions of voice mails exactly where one could record his or her voice. Audio recording has been utilised even inside the media market as proof during some investigative journalism or other comparable factors. Cell spying has produced a stable and comfy environment for the human race to reside in. variables related to cell phone spying are like the use of the nanny cam for safety measures exactly where security from the children comes 1st. This would in return show how the nanny had been handling her self around the child. Some call it intrusion of privacy; nicely it?s up to you. The mobile phone industry is a industry worth exploring, this can be a spot that carries the future, just with time, there?s proof that the computer globe could possibly be far more to what we know instead of the historical ?Stone-age?. A phone is an extraordinary portable communication device, and it doesn?t demand an excessive amount of control. Add with it some potent cell phone spying software program, and thus why it?s been defined as one of many effortless methods of understanding the truth.

As soon as installed all you need to do is log into your members location of the mobile phone spying application and from that point on anytime you wish it is possible to view probably the most intimate facts of all communications and activities carried out on a cell phone. This consists of phone calls and text messages with all the precise time they are sent or received, the telephone number, as well as the exact text message are all in available to your eyes. Moreover the majority of the spying applications contain a GPS technologies which would permit you to view specifically where the person goes 24 hours each day seven days per week. It does not matter if they may be 50 yards away or 50,000 miles away you are able to nevertheless track all their cell phone activity.

Spy Bubble sends you the info with the location of the individual by utilizing the GPS feature from the mobile phone. I can see this as becoming a fantastic feature in case you are como localizar un celular por internet on your teenagers. We all bear in mind when we were young going to one spot when our parents thought we were some spot else. Unfortunately, times have altered and factors are a good deal more harmful. Plus, nowadays the cops desire to charge our youngsters for every small issue; practical jokes that took location when we were kids are now deemed sex crimes. But I digress, back for the cell phone spy software program.

Although unfaithfulness is one of the greatest factors that break-up families, making use of a cell phone spy has only been a catalyst towards the process. This means that listening or reading messages from your spouse?s inbox from one more man or woman who will be flirting or cheating with him or her could cause presumable damage towards the relationship, and several occasions this could end in divorce. With out any doubt, the common desirable control right here could be to talk to an individual in regards to the issue.

Author: Shelton Lagerquist


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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Europe's first Vega rocket blasts off successfully (Reuters)

KOUROU, French Guiana (Reuters) ? Europe's first Vega rocket blasted off from French Guiana Monday in a successful inaugural flight aimed at giving Europe a vehicle for scientific satellite missions.

The rocket took off from the European Space Agency's (ESA) launch site in Kourou, French Guiana, on the northeast coast of South America at 7.00 a.m. (1000 GMT), with nine scientific satellites on board.

Its main passenger, the LARES satellite that will test aspects of Einstein's theory of general relativity, separated from the rocket 55 minutes later.

Vega will complement the family of rockets currently available for launch from Guiana - the Ariane 5 heavy-lift launcher introduced in 1996, and Soyuz, a medium-class launcher.

"A new member of the (European) launcher family has been born," ESA director general Jean-Jacques Dordain said after the 90 minute flight.

"Today is the first day of a new operational life which we hope will be a long and successful one. Vega is a launcher that is necessary for ESA," Dordain said.

Vega's maiden launch follows years of delays and budget disputes since it was proposed in the mid-1990s. The ESA decided to back the rocket in 2003.

They argued that a rocket for small satellites fulfilled a niche market and rockets for those satellites would be scarce.

Most rockets from the former Soviet Union are based on stages of ballistic missiles that are no longer in production.

American competitors in this segment have encountered problems. SpaceX - brainchild of PayPal founder Elon Musk - has pulled resources from its Falcon 1e rocket and only one launch in 2015 is now scheduled. Taurus XL, launched by Virginia-based Orbital Sciences Corp, has suffered two failures since 2009.


In a break from previous European rocket programs that were heavily financed by France, Vega's development price tag of more than 1 billion euros, including inaugural flights, has been 60 percent financed by Italy.

Rome-based ELV SpA, a joint venture company between Italian rocket-propulsion manufacturer Avio and the Italian space agency ASI, is Vega's prime contractor.

In Guiana, Vega's launchpad is on the site of the Ariane 1 rocket put into service in 1979. Using an already cut and concreted area of jungle saved between 50 and 100 million euros.

Vega stands 30 meters (98 feet) tall and consists of three solid propellant stages and a Ukrainian-built restartable liquid propellant upper stage.

The ESA is expected to ask member states for permission to upgrade Vega and replace the liquid stage with a new version built in Germany.

Monday's flight qualified Vega, and future Vega flights and contracts will be handled by the Arianespace commercial launch consortium.

Arianespace chief executive Jean-Yves Le Gall said: "We are off to a good start as we've already signed two commercial launch contracts to launch (satellites) aboard Vega."

(Reporting by Jessy Xavier; Writing by Alexander Miles; Editing by Giles Elgood)


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Monday, February 13, 2012

The Caribbean this week | The Impartial Latin American News Link

Dominican government accused of repression tactics; Puerto Rican Constitution anniversary marked by controversy; Haitian president criticized for political interference in the Bahamas.

Dominican government accused of ?open repression? of political opponents

The director of the Asociaci?n Dominicana de Abogados (Dominican Association of Lawyers ? ADOMA), Juan Manuel Morel, has expressed concern over what he called ?open repression? on the part of the government of President Leonel Fern?ndez.

Morel voiced his concerns following the encarceration of various opposition actors, including the journalist Guillermo G?mez and members of the Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (Dominican Revolutionary Party ? PRD), ahead of the upcoming elections in May 2012.

On Sunday G?mez accused the government of pursuing him and his family for making allegations of corruption against government civil servants.

G?mez, who has also been accused of spying on the Dominican first lady, Margarita Cede?o de Fern?ndez, asserted that the raids carried out on his home residence and workplace last Friday were aimed at silencing his complaints against the government.

In an ironic statement addressed to the president, he pleaded with Leonel Fern?ndez to show him respect, before saying, ?What more does your corrupt government want to do? [?] You have not used tanks to kill me and my family, to gun down a family that respects society. I am ready, Mr. President, to defend my honour?.

In the same statement G?mez renewed his allegation that for the last twelve years the PLD administration has supported a centre dedicated to monitoring citizens? private telephone calls.

Elsewhere, the president of the Municipal Committee of the PRD, Geovanny Tejada, denounced the unexplained arrest and subsequent release of three PRD representatives last Friday as part of the government?s ?repressive plan? against opposition groups.

Tejada pointed to the recent detentions, along with the destruction of propaganda supporting the PRD presidential candidate, Hip?lito Mej?a, as ?a provocation on the part of the government and the PLD [Partido de la Liberaci?n Dominicana ? Dominican Liberation Party]?.

He furthermore claimed that the PLD had resorted to terrorizing its political opposition due to ?difficulties? between PLD presidential candidate Danilo Medina and his vicepresidential running mate, the first lady Margarita Cede?o de Fern?ndez.?Earlier in the week Medina had refuted claims that the first lady had been using state resources to fund her electoral campaign.

Another illegal craft intercepted en route to Puerto Rico

The Dominican Navy, in conjunction with the US coastguard service, announced on Saturday that it had intercepted an illegal craft carrying 22 people en route to Puerto Rico.

The boat, holding 18 men and four women, was detained at sea, just a day after Dominican officials had called off the rescue mission for a shipwreck which occurred last Saturday, leaving 52 people dead.

The passengers of this latest vessel were arrested and are now under investigation, while the head of the Navy, Vice-admiral Nicol?s Cabrera Arias, reiterated his commitment to the struggle against the illegal trafficking of humans to Puerto Rico.

Each year thousands of Dominicans use fragile, illegal crafts to attempt the crossing to the Puerto Rican coasts, with hopes to improve their economic situation.

Anniversary of Puerto Rico?s Commonwealth Constitution provokes further debate over island?s status

The 60th anniversary of the signing of the Constituci?n del Estado Libre Asociado (Constitution of the Free Associated State ? ELA) of Puerto Rico was marked by ongoing debates over the future of the island?s political-territorial status.

On 6 February, 1952, nearly 100 delegates of the Constituent Assembly met at a special session to sign the Puerto Rican ?Carta Magna?, confirming the island?s political ties to the USA, which has since retained sovereignty over Puerto Rico.

The historic signing of the constitution is still a point of contention in Puerto Rico, as the island?s political parties gear up for a plebiscite over the status of the territory. In the referendum, which is set for 6 November, 2012, Puerto Ricans will be asked whether they agree with maintaing the island?s current status as a commonwealth territory.

This Saturday the opposition Partido Popular Democr?tico (People?s Democratic Party ? PPD) announced that it would participate in the referendum, but only to vote in favour of maintaining the island?s current status.

The president of the PPD, Alejandro Garc?a Padilla, stated that by voting in favour of the island?s commonwealth status, PPD members would be sending ?a vote of rejection to the governor Luis Fortu?o, the resident commissioner, Pedro Pierluisi, and the PNP [Partido Nuevo Progresista ? New Progressive Party] with all their abuses, their bad policies and their attempts to divert attention from all the failures of their government?.

Pedro Pierluisi, the resident commissioner in Washington, responded by saying: ?Today the leaders of the People?s Party confirmed once more that what they want is to keep the island a colony and to leave Puerto Rico in its current state of limbo?.

Haitian president criticized for political interference in the Bahamas

Political observers in the Bahamas have denounced comments made by Haitian President Michel Martelly regarding the upcoming Bahamian elections as an ?insulting? example of interference in the country?s political system.

As part of an official visit to the Bahamas last week, Martelly met with members of the Haitian community residing in the country on Tuesday night.

In his speech, expressed in Haitian Creole to some 6,000 ex-patriate listeners, Martelly took the opportunity to urge Haitian-Bahamians to organize themselves and vote in a bloc for the party that best serves their interests.

Martelly reiterated his statements the following day at a press conference, saying that he had heard of Haitians being mistreated in the Bahamas, including reports of Haitians being arrested for illegal immigration despite having permits to work or reside in the country.

The Haitian president also lamented the Bahamian citizenship laws, which prevent the children of Haitian immigrants from applying for Bahamian citizenship until they are 18 years old, despite being born in the Bahamas.

Several Bahamian political actors remarked that Martelly?s comments were ill-timed considering the proximity of the country?s general elections, which are scheduled for May 2012.

Perry Christie of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) claimed last year that the reason successive Bahamian governments had been hesitant to take a strong stance against illegal Haitian immigrants was precisely because they feared a voting bloc of Haitian-Bahamians.

MP Fred Mitchell echoed the sentiments of several other Bahamian politicians, stating: ?People vote for their best interests, they don?t in my view vote as a bloc. Every Bahamian who is voting will vote for the party that is in the best interest of the Bahamas?.

Firearms melted down to tackle violence in Jamaica

This week Jamaican officials and police officers looked on as some 2,000 illegal firearms were melted down as part of a programme to reduce gun trafficking and violent crime on the island.

Many of the guns had been seized in police operations, although the furnace was also used to destroy old police and military firearms to prevent them from falling into the hands of criminals.

According to National Security Minister Peter Bunting, the programme constitutes the first step towards reducing the stockpiles of illegal guns in Jamaica, which has one of the highest rates of gun crime in the world.

The BBC?s correspondent in Kingston, Nick Davis, reported that criminal gangs are often as well armed as Jamaican security forces.

While the murder rate on the island has fallen recently, Jamaican officials have proclaimed themselves keen to do more to stem the country?s endemic violence.

UN report shows Jamaica has highest rate of youth crime in the region

A new study by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has shown that Jamaica has the highest rate of youth crime convictions in the Caribbean.

The report estimated that youth crime in Jamaica is costing the country some 3.21 per cent of its gross domestic product, as the nation spends more than $529m per year of public and private funds to fight the trend.

A further $4.3m is thought to be lost each year in potential investments, while around $95m which could flow into Jamaica through tourism is diverted elsewhere as visitors to the island are put off by its crime rate.

The UNDP singled out Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago as nations experiencing a substantial increase in gang-related homicides. Homicide rates have increased significantly throughout the Caribbean over the last twelve years, with the except of Barbados and Suriname.

The report emphasized that ?crime has become one of the main challenges threatening economies and livelihoods in Caribbean countries, but the right mix of policies and programmes can halt the problem?.


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Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Convenience Of Fleet Management | Golden Wisdom Nuggets

When you are in a business that entails short and long distance transportation as the chief means of delivering goods and services, effectively managing several vehicles at the same time is usually a task that is easier said than done.

This is a situation that freight and courier companies are quite familiar with, because staying on top of all their vehicles? activities is certainly a complicated and time consuming undertaking.

Fortunately, we have resources to rely on in such situations, and they come in the form of fleet management services. These companies provide various software and hardware options that allow their costumers to obtain a consistent and convenient means of tracking and observing all the activities of their automobiles, at any given time of day, and no matter where they are in the planet.

Fleet management companies utilize the power of high speed global positioning systems or GPS, to provide their clients with a continuous feed of vehicle tracking data. And the top companies in their field use only the latest technology and fastest Internet connections to guarantee that their clients can access all the information they require, in a quick second.

The entire process is done by having expert technicians install a GPS tracking device on a specified vehicle. And as soon as the device is online and connected with a GPS navigation satellite, it will continuously assess the car navigation system for the whereabouts, average speed, and the specific direction the vehicle traveling to. These data are then transmitted to the company server for safe storage until a customer requests access to it by way of a desktop computer, mobile phone, and portable computer.

Courier and freight companies can make use of the data obtained from this vehicle tracking technology to troubleshoot delivery service problems, monitor the route and activities of their drivers, and improve their service performance as a whole.

Aside from delivery service companies, private individuals can likewise benefit from this technology when it comes to protecting their cars and family members. The vehicle tracking package often comes with features like Geo fencing applications, remote vehicle immobilisation, speeding warnings, and a whole range of other features that car owners will find extremely useful.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

The New Upper Class and the Real Reason We Dislike Them (

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Obama's inner geek: robots to flying marshmallows

President Barack Obama watches as a marshmallow is launched by a gun designed by Joey Hudy of Phoenix, Ariz., Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012, in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington during the White House Science Fair. For a president who promotes technology at every opportunity, Barack Obama often strikes an awed, self-effacing pose around technicians, scientists and high-tech machinery. "If I'm nodding, you should just assume that everything you said is going completely over my head,? he once told winners of a New York science fair. Still, he loves the stuff. On Tuesday, he revealed his inner science geek as he delightedly helped fire an eighth grader's marshmallow air cannon at the drapes of the White House's elegant State Dining Room. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Barack Obama watches as a marshmallow is launched by a gun designed by Joey Hudy of Phoenix, Ariz., Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012, in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington during the White House Science Fair. For a president who promotes technology at every opportunity, Barack Obama often strikes an awed, self-effacing pose around technicians, scientists and high-tech machinery. "If I'm nodding, you should just assume that everything you said is going completely over my head,? he once told winners of a New York science fair. Still, he loves the stuff. On Tuesday, he revealed his inner science geek as he delightedly helped fire an eighth grader's marshmallow air cannon at the drapes of the White House's elegant State Dining Room. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

FILE - in this Oct. 18, 2011 file photo, President Barack Obama visits a robotics workshop to watch a demonstration of "Scrappy" , at Bluestone High School in Skipwith, Va. For a president who promotes technology at every opportunity, Barack Obama often strikes an awed, self-effacing pose around technicians, scientists and high-tech machinery. "If I'm nodding, you should just assume that everything you said is going completely over my head,? he once told winners of a New York science fair. Still, he loves the stuff. On Tuesday, he revealed his inner science geek as he delightedly helped fire an eighth grader's marshmallow air cannon at the drapes of the White House's elegant State Dining Room. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

FILE - In this Sept. 16, 2011 file photo, President Barack Obama, with students Meghan Clark, center, and Nathan Hughes, right, watches as they demonstrate their FIRST Robot, during a visits to a classroom at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Va. For a president who promotes technology at every opportunity, Barack Obama often strikes an awed, self-effacing pose around technicians, scientists and high-tech machinery. "If I'm nodding, you should just assume that everything you said is going completely over my head,? he once told winners of a New York science fair. Still, he loves the stuff. On Tuesday, he revealed his inner science geek as he delightedly helped fire an eighth grader's marshmallow air cannon at the drapes of the White House's elegant State Dining Room. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)

President Barack Obama pumps up a gun designed by Joey Hudy, left, of Phoenix, Ariz., left, to shoot a marshmallow in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012, during the White House Science Fair. Obama hosted the second White House Science Fair celebrating the student winners of a broad range of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) competitions from across the country. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? For a president who promotes technology at every opportunity, Barack Obama often strikes an awed, self-effacing pose in the presence of technicians, scientists and high tech machinery.

"If I'm nodding, you should just assume that everything you said is going completely over my head," he once told winners of a New York science fair.

Still, he loves the stuff.

At no point has his inner geek been more evident than on Tuesday as he mischievously ? "The Secret Service is going to be mad at me about this" ? helped fire an eighth-grader's award winning high-speed marshmallow air cannon at the drapes of the White House's elegant State Dining Room.

From factory floors to classrooms, from high-tech centers to the White House residence itself, Obama steeps himself in the innovative, sometimes feigning interest while at others showing genuine delight.

He dons safety goggles to tour manufacturing plants with state of the art equipment. He steps gingerly around scooting robots built by teenage engineers. And, like many a dad, he helps his daughters with their science projects, even dropping eggs from the White House's Truman Balcony to test the optimal soft landing.

To be sure, touring factories and schools is a staple of presidencies. But Obama, a Harvard University-trained lawyer, has placed greater emphasis on technology by making the point that in an era of scarce resources, government still must play a role investing in three key areas: research and development, innovation and education.

On Tuesday, Obama hosted the second White House Science Fair, an exhibit of more than 30 student projects that ranged from a system to detect nuclear threats to a prosthetic hand to portable disaster shelters. For nearly an hour, Obama toured the displays and visited with students, pressing them for details and admiring their work.

At factory or fair, Obama's reaction can range from bemusement to enchantment.

During a recent trip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Obama examined an enormous conveyor screw used to transport foodstuffs. "What do you do to keep it so shiny?" he finally asked.

At an Alcoa plant in Davenport, Iowa, in June, Obama observed machines that milled aerospace parts. He then approached a handful of reporters who had been watching nearby: "Did you know aluminum is not magnetic? I learned something today."

The incongruity of some such moments is not lost on the president. Aides say he got a kick out of a New York magazine picture essay in 2010 depicting him in various factories, laboratories or workshops. The piece was titled "A History of Obama Feigning Interest in Mundane Things."

But he can also be impressed.

In October, as he saluted winners of the National Medals of Science and the National Medals of Technology and Innovation, Obama said: "It's safe to say that this is a group that makes all of us really embarrassed about our old science projects. You know, the volcano with the stuff coming out with the baking soda inside. Apparently, that was not a cutting-edge achievement even though our parents told us it was really terrific."

Robots figure prominently in Obama's catalog of impressive technological innovations. Over the past year he has been introduced to robots that perform tasks from simple retrieval to telecommunications. They often have names ? Skrappy, Derp, Ned.

Ned, a sewer pipe inspection robot, was featured at the National Robotics Engineering Center at Carnegie Mellon University that Obama toured in June. "This is our guy we're gonna send into the sewer?" he asked. "He's sending back data as he's going through?"

"This is pretty cool," he concluded.

Robots were prominent during Tuesday's White House Science Fair too.

But nothing captured Obama's imagination more than Joey Hudy and his "Extreme Marshmallow Cannon."

"Let's try it out!" Obama declared, surprising aides and the handful of reporters who had gathered inside the State Dining Room for the tour. "OK, back up guys," Obama ordered. "This is a little impromptu."

Hudy, a precocious 14-year-old from Phoenix who confidently explained the apparatus to the president, began compressing air into his cannon with a tire pump. "Need some help?" Obama asked. Hudy stepped aside and let the president prime the gun. With two hands, he gave a final push. "That good? All right, OK, here we go."

Hudy explained the trigger mechanism before firing. With a loud air gun whoosh, the marshmallow projectile struck the far upper corner of the room.

"It came out pretty fast!" the president exclaimed. Then, as if to assure everyone, he added: "It was safe."

Moments later, he complimented a high school junior on her soluble sugar pack invention. "Tell me when I can buy stock," he told Hayley Hoverter, 16, a student at Downtown Business Magnet High School in Los Angeles.

Then he lingered over a rocket exhibit by three young Presidio, Texas, girls. Pointing to one lime green rocket painted with a blue bird and cherry blossoms, Obama said: "This is not like a tough looking rocket."

The girls, all English-as-a-second-language students, explained that the rockets must be able to reach a height of 800 feet with payload of two raw eggs, fall to earth with a parachute and leave the eggs intact.

Obama brightened, telling the girls that he knows something about egg drops because he helped his daughter Sasha with a science project.

"We practiced by dropping them from the Truman Balcony," he said. "And we had a whole bunch of prototypes and she ended up winning. Cheerios in like a plastic bottle, and the egg survived."

"So I'm hip to the whole egg thing."



White House Science Fair Winners:


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Associated Press


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Outside Wood Furniture Plans ? Pick the Suitable One for you ...

Would you like some straightforward made outside furniture plans? And at the same time save a lot of that tough earned money, while you are building yourself some attractive wood furniture? The quality and satisfaction of your final product will save you the trouble of having a contractor who doubtless will overcharge you, leaving you sad.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ohio man pleads guilty in U.S. to supporting al Shabaab (Reuters)

MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) ? An Ohio man pleaded guilty on Monday in federal court in Minnesota to U.S. charges of helping raise money for al Shabaab rebels in Somalia, prosecutors said.

Ahmed Hussein Mahamud, 27, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a group designated by the United States as a terrorist organization. He faces a maximum of 15 years in prison when he is sentenced at a later date.

Mahamud, a U.S. citizen who was indicted in June 2011, admitted to telling people in the Somali-American community in Minnesota the money would support a local Mosque or orphans but using it instead to help send men to Somalia to join al Shabaab, according to a plea agreement with federal prosecutors.

Mahamud and others raised up to $1,500 in the effort, using some of the money on airline tickets or other expenses, according to the plea deal.

In other instances, Mahamud admitted to wiring $50 to a man in Somalia who was buying a firearm, $50 for other expenses to a second man and assisting someone in sending $100 to Somalia for a weapons purchase to support the organization, according to the plea agreement.

Mahamud, a Westerville, Ohio, resident who formerly lived in Minnesota, admitted to providing the support from 2008 through February of 2011.

Minnesota is home to the largest Somali-American population in the United States.

Since September 2007, about 20 men have left Minneapolis for Somalia to join al Shabaab. Eighteen people have been charged in federal court in Minnesota so far in the investigation. Eight have been arrested and seven have pleaded guilty.

At least two of the men who have been charged in the Minnesota investigation are believed to have been killed in Somalia.

The guilty plea comes weeks after a U.S. bank decided to shut down wire transfer services that provide a lifeline from Minnesota to Somalia over concerns that it could risk violating U.S. regulatory and anti-terrorism finance laws.

Each year Somali-Americans send about $100 million to Somalia through small money transfer businesses. Somalia has no formal banking system.

(Editing by Dan Whitcomb and Mohammad Zargham)


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Colleges caught in obsession over rankings

When US News & World Report debuted its list of "America's Best Colleges" nearly 30 years ago, the magazine hoped its college rankings would be a game-changer for students and families. But arguably, they've had a much bigger effect on colleges themselves.

Yes, students and families still buy the guide and its less famous competitors by the hundreds of thousands, and still care about a college's reputation. But it isn't students who obsess over every incremental shift on the rankings scoreboard, and who regularly embarrass themselves in the process. It's colleges.

It's colleges that have spent billions on financial aid for high-scoring students who don't actually need the money, motivated at least partly by the quest for rankings glory.

It was a college, Baylor University, that paid students it had already accepted to retake the SAT exam in a transparent ploy to boost the average scores it could report. It's colleges that have awarded bonuses to presidents who lift their school a few slots.

And it's colleges that occasionally get caught in the kind of cheating you might expect in sports or on Wall Street, but which seems especially ignominious coming from professional educators.

The latest example came last week at Claremont McKenna, a highly regarded California liberal arts college where a senior administrator resigned after acknowledging he falsified college entrance exam scores for years to rankings publications such as US News.

The scale was small: submitting scores just 10 or 20 points higher on the 1,600-point SAT math and reading exams. Average test scores account for just 7.5 percent of the US News rankings formula. Still, the magazine acknowledged the effect could have been to move the college up a slot or two in its rankings of top liberal arts colleges. And so it was hard not to notice Claremont McKenna stood at No. 9 in this year's rankings, which to people who care about such things sounds much sweeter than No. 11.

"For Claremont, there is I would think a psychologically large difference between being 9th and 11th," said Bob Schaeffer of the group FairTest and a rankings critic. "We're a top 10 school,' (or) 'we're 11th or 12th' ? that's a big psychological difference. It's a bragging rights difference."

If it was an effort to gain an edge, it backfired badly. Another popular list, Kiplinger's "Best College Values," said Friday it was removing Claremont McKenna from its 2011-12 rankings entirely because of the false reporting. The college had been No. 18 on its list of best-value liberal arts colleges.

Competitiveness may be naturally human, but to many who work with students, such behavior among fellow educators is mystifying. Contrary to widespread perceptions, they say, students typically use the rankings as a source of data and pay little attention to a school's number.

"When I started in this business, I thought, 'the rankings are terrible,'" said Brad MacGowan, a 21-year-veteran college counselor at Newton North High School outside Boston. "But spending all this time with students, I just don't hear that much about them. I'm sure it's colleges that are perpetuating it."

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It's hard to know how common cheating like that reported at Claremont McKenna is, given that while US News cross-checks some data with other sources, it relies largely on colleges themselves to provide it. Modest forms of fudging through data selection are undeniably common, especially in law school rankings. The most high-profile case of outright cheating involved Iona University in New York, which acknowledged last fall submitting years of false data that boosted its ranking from around 50th in its category to 30th.

But most rankings critics say by far the most pernicious failure of colleges isn't blatant cheating, but what they do more openly ? allowing the rankings formula to drive their goals and policies.

Colleges, they argue, have caved to the rankings pressure in a range of ways. A big one is recruiting as many students as they can to apply, even if they're not likely to be a good fit, just to boost their selectivity numbers. And they've showered shower financial aid on high-achieving, and often wealthy, kids with high SAT scores.

In the mid-1990s, roughly one-third of grant aid, or scholarships colleges of all types awarded with their own money, was given on grounds other than need (typically called "merit aid'). A decade later, they gave away three times as much money ? but well over half was based on merit.

Yes, some colleges recruited better students, but there was a price to be paid. Consider a 2008 study by The Institute for College Access and Success that examined the $11.2 billion annually four-year colleges were awarding in grant aid. Of that, $3.35 billion was awarded as merit aid. That would have easily covered the $2.4 billion in unmet need-based aid that the colleges said their low-income students still faced.

Rankings critic Lloyd Thacker, founder of the group Education Conservancy, calls that a shift in financial aid from "charitable acts to competitive weapons." Or, as Schaeffer describes it, "they end up giving the money to rich white kids."

The vast majority of students attend college within three hours of home, so national rankings have little meaning. What matters? Usually more mundane or subjective concerns. One student who went to MacGowan's office last week for a college planning meeting, junior Bridget Gillis, said she'd yet to even see a college ranking guide. Her criteria: "If they have my major, if it's a nice campus, how big it is, if they have the sport I want to play in college (field hockey)."

The latest version of a huge national survey of college freshman conducted annually by UCLA's Higher Education Research Institute asked students to list various factors affecting their choice of college. Rankings in national magazines were No. 11 for current college freshmen, with roughly one in six calling them very important, well behind factors such as cost, size and location.

Those findings may be somewhat misleading. The leading factor cited, by almost two-thirds of students, was their college's "academic reputation," which can be hard to disentangle from its ranking. A reputational survey ranking accounts for 25 percent of a college's score in US News, and fame from a high US News rankings contributes to reputation, even if students say the ranking itself wasn't a factor. Such circularity is one of many things critics dislike about the US News methodology.

But the survey data do suggest students generally heed the magazine's advice not to use the rankings to make fine-grained distinctions between schools.

"As someone who is asked every year to comment on the rankings, it seems to me that who cares most is the media," John Pryor, who directs the UCLA survey, wrote in a blog post last year. "Second would be college presidents and development officers. Way down the list seem to be those who are actually trying to decide where to go to college."

Thacker says the rankings do have negative psychological effects on students, though usually only the top 10 to 15 percent who are applying to competitive colleges. But it has affected a much broader swath of colleges that have been unable to suppress their competitive urges for the educational common good.

"It has more an impact on colleges, presidents and trustees than it does on students," Thacker said. "The colleges have shifted resources and changed practices and policies that were once governed by educational values to serve prestige and rank and status."

That effect, he says, is dishonorable, even if some colleges at least feel guilty about it. More than 80 percent of college admissions officers surveyed for a report last fall by the National Association for College Admission Counseling felt the US News rankings offered students misleading conclusions, and roughly the same proportion agreed they caused counter-productive behavior by colleges. Yet more than 70 percent said their schools promoted their ranking in marketing materials.

The fact that the highly regarded dean apparently involved in the scandal at Claremont McKenna may have been driven to submit inflated test scores is an indicator of the scale of pressure that surrounds the rankings, said David Hawkins, director of public policy and research at NACAC, the counseling group. That pressure comes from all corners of the university ? trustees, alumni, presidents, even politicians,

"It's clear from the (Claremont McKenna) story that admission offices are under pressure," he said. "The key question is, how do you stop the madness?"

Bob Morse, who oversees the US News rankings as director of data research, says many of the behaviors the rankings have incentivized in colleges are benign. He points to universities like Northeastern and Southern California that have moved up in recent years through concerted efforts to improve their stats in variables that go into the formula ? but which also are good for students. Things like more small classes, programs to boost retention, higher faculty-to-student ratios. And why, Morse asks, should colleges be criticized for casting a wider recruiting net?

But even Morse, who says colleges paid the rankings little attention when they debuted in 1983, says he's been shocked by how seriously they now take their standing, and the lengths they go to move up.

"None of those things when we first started we had in mind would even happen or even could happen," he said. "It's evolved in ways that have taken on a life of their own. To us, it's proof people are paying attention."

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, February 6, 2012

GOP race turns to Colorado, Minnesota

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters after speaking at a caucus night watch party, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters after speaking at a caucus night watch party, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Republican presidential candidate former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters at his Nevada caucus night victory celebration in Las Vegas, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Republican presidential candidate former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters at his Nevada caucus night victory celebration in Las Vegas, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, greets supporters after speaking at a campaign rally in Colorado Springs, Colo., Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks during a campaign stop at the International Church of Las Vegas on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nev. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

(AP) ? Now it's on to Colorado, Minnesota and Maine.

With back-to-back victories fueling him, Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney is looking toward the next states that hold GOP nominating contests as main rival Newt Gingrich brushes aside any talk of abandoning his White House bid ? all but ensuring the battle will stretch into the spring if not beyond.

Shortly after losing big to Romney here, the former House speaker emphatically renewed his vow to campaign into the party convention in Tampa this summer. His goal, he said, was to "find a series of victories which by the end of the Texas primary will leave us at parity" with Romney by early April.

Next up to vote are Colorado and Minnesota, which both hold caucuses Tuesday. Maine follows on Saturday during a month that promises to be as plodding as January was rapid-fire in the presidential race.

Romney will look to maintain his position of strength, if not build upon it, as his rivals continue working to derail him even as their options for doing so narrow with each victory he notches.

As Saturday turned to Sunday, the former Massachusetts governor held a double-digit lead over his nearest pursuer as the totals mounted in Nevada, where fellow Mormons accounted for roughly a quarter of all caucus-goers. Gingrich and Texas Rep. Ron Paul vied for a distant second. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum trailed the field.

With votes from 71 percent of the precinct caucuses tallied, Romney had 48 percent, Gingrich 23 percent, Paul 19 percent and Santorum 11 percent. Turnout was down significantly from 2008, when Romney also won the state's GOP caucuses.

Romney's victory capped a week that began with his double-digit win in the Florida primary. That contest was as intense as Nevada's caucuses were sedate ? so quiet that they produced little television advertising, no candidate debates and only a modest investment of time by the contenders.

A total of 28 Republican National Convention delegates were at stake in caucuses held across the sprawling state. Romney won at least 10, Gingrich at least four, Paul at least three and Santorum at least two. Eight were still to be determined.

That gives Romney a total of 97, including endorsements from Republican National Committee members who will automatically attend the convention and can support any candidate they choose. Gingrich has 30, Santorum 16 and Paul seven. It will take 1,144 delegates to win the Republican nomination.

Preliminary results of a poll of Nevada Republicans entering their caucuses showed that nearly half said the most important consideration in their decision was a candidate's ability to defeat President Barack Obama this fall, a finding in line with other states.

About one-quarter of those surveyed said they were Mormon, roughly the same as in 2008, when Romney won with more than a majority of the vote in a multi-candidate field.

The entrance poll was conducted by Edison Research for The Associated Press at 25 randomly selected caucus sites. It included 1,553 interviews and had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Associated Press


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Buy the Apple iPad for Your Child? New Book Guides Positive ...

Buy the Apple iPad for Your Child? New Book Guides Positive Family Media Use to Help Parents Decide

Wilmette, IL (PRWEB) January 30, 2010

PRWEB) ? In ?Kids, Parents, and Technology: An Instruction Manual for Young Families?, child psychiatrist Eitan D. Schwarz MD provides a new guidebook for parents of children ages infancy through eight years. It is the first comprehensive child- and family-centered system offering step-by-step instructions on how to turn digital media into powerful parenting tools that enrich family life and child development.

Dr. Schwarz states, ?I personally love good technology and will probably get an iPad or something like it for myself. But before bringing a new gadget home, every parent must think through its impact on the kids and family life. Studies show that the more the media, the poorer the grades and the lesser imaginative play and family interactions.?

?I am also concerned that a parent distracted by media might be damaging formation of youngsters? vital brain circuits ? I have seen mothers on their cell phones or texting while breast-feeding. Can these interruptions contribute to later brain-based problems, including the recent rise in autism? There can be great benefits to technology, but there are alarming trends and important unanswered questions. That?s why I wrote the book.?

?The instructions we receive with digital devices don?t teach the most important things ? how to use the new gadgets to fully benefit youngsters and family lives,? says Dr. Schwarz.. ?My work with parents and families shows me the problems technology is creating for them and helps me identify the type of information they need to make certain that these devices contribute to family life in a positive way.?

Media use by kids has grown helter-skelter in response to an explosive marketplace of new technologies that has not been primarily concerned with the health needs of families and children. Kids left to themselves consume media as they do junk food. According to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll, 1/5 of those ages eight to eighteen now get as much as nineteen hours of media daily; and in the 1/3 of homes that limit media use, consumption declines by only 1/3. According to Dr. Schwarz, ?Yes, more parents must take charge, but the negative approach of restricting access is just not enough. Kids from early ages need to form better habits than today?s teens.?

?Kids, Parents, and Technology: An Instruction Manual for Young Families? rapidly gets parents to start treating media consumption in the same healthy ways they already employ to manage children?s food intake. They can make children?s home consumption of media a safe and rich asset to family life through fresh thinking that would also help educators, therapists, doctors, policy makers, businesses, and anyone else working with children. The book also provides in-depth thinking about the uses of digital media as therapeutic tools, looks at its future uses, and an example of a non-violent, educational, value-oriented action game.

After over a decade of explosive expansion of media consumption by children, we finally have the sensible and readable guide based on what children and families need that parents have been asking for. Dr. Schwarz makes practical recommendations based on a lifetime of clinical experience and the latest scientific knowledge, enabling parents to:

Take charge of the family?s media, as they already do thie automobile and other appliances.
Set proactive, positive goals.
Reform dramatically how kids spend time.
Create a new environment around interactive media promising mutuality, fun, and development for the entire family.
Redefine the role of digital gadgets and adopt a brand-new, powerful framework in raising children as they interact with streams of information from newly-available media.

The book asks parents ?to commit to leading their youngsters towards positive uses of the Internet, videogames, smart phones, and whatever electronic media happen to us. By being fully present and applying sound child-rearing and family support principles, parents can now create balanced media plans that lead youngsters to the values and orientation they will need to succeed in an increasingly technology-rich world.?

Eitan Schwarz MD FAACAP DLFAPA, is a doctor who knows kids, media, and families. He is board-certified in both general and child and adolescent psychiatry. During his nearly 40 years of distinguished practice and teaching in a variety of public, private, and academic settings, Dr. Schwarz has been steadily learning about the needs of children and families. Since medical school, he has also been studying the uses of technology in health care and the practice of medicine. Currently on the faculty of Northwestern University, he has recently researched the use of digital media in play therapy with children.

?Kids, Parents, and Technology: An Instruction Manual for Young Families? is published by in paperback and e-book. .


Vocus?Copyright 1997-

, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.


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Sunday, February 5, 2012

PS Vita Demo Units Now at GameStop | TechnoBuffalo

If you?ve been looking to take Sony?s upcoming handheld for a spin and you live in the United States, now?s your chance to do so in a retail shop near your home. GameStop announced today by way of press release that the PlayStation Vita is officially available for demo in more than 3,300 retail locations.

As for which games will be playable in the shops, the press release lists a few that will be available:

  • UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss(TM)
  • Little Deviants(TM)
  • Hot Shots Golf(R): World Invitational
  • ModNation(TM) Racers: Road Trip
  • Virtua Tennis(TM)4: World Tour Edition
  • Escape Plan(TM)
  • wipEout(R) 2048

GameStop also indicated that they wold have a special 3G/Wi-Fi bundle for the PS Vita that includes a few extra goodies for sale on February 22nd. Here?s what that bundle includes:

  • PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi system
  • 8GB memory card
  • AT&T DataConnect Pass good for one free 250MB data session ($14.99 value) upon purchase of one 250MB data session
  • PlayStation Network game voucher provided upon 3G activation

When it comes to handheld gaming, as far as I?m concerned, one of the most important enjoyment variables stands in the comfort of the device. If you can?t hold and play a portable for more than 20 minutes at a time, then you?ve likely got your hands on something that isn?t exactly ergonomically sound.

So, if you?re on the market for a new portable and the PS Vita has your interest, I suggest you head to a store and check it out. Worst case scenario: you try it, you hate it and you save yourself some scratch. Or, you?ll try it and fall in love with the device even harder.

The PS Vita will launch for special pre-orders on February 15th. It will hit retail fully a week later on February 22nd. Will you be picking one up?

Affiliate Link

GRAPEVINE, Texas, Feb 03, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) ?PlayStation(R)Vita (PS Vita) hits shelves this month and GameStop (NYSE: GME) is giving consumers a first glimpse at the highly anticipated new handheld system. More than 3,300 U.S. GameStop stores now have playable demo units that provide a first-hand look at PS Vita?s exciting new technology. In addition to the five-inch OLED multi-touch screen, front and rear touch pads, dual analog sticks, dual cameras and six-axis motion sensing system, players can experience a variety of games, including:


  • UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss(TM)
  • Little Deviants(TM)
  • Hot Shots Golf(R): World Invitational
  • ModNation(TM) Racers: Road Trip
  • Virtua Tennis(TM)4: World Tour Edition
  • Escape Plan(TM)
  • wipEout(R) 2048


?We are excited to be the first retailer where consumers can experience the PS Vita,? stated Bob Puzon, vice president of merchandising at GameStop. ?We are impressed with how the quad-core technology brings gaming to life and are confident consumers will be, too.?

To help consumers trade up to the PS Vita, GameStop is offering an extra $25 on the trade-in of a Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS or Sony PSP system toward the purchase of the new system. To learn more about the trade up offer or to find a GameStop store with a playable PS Vita demo unit,

The PS Vita launches in the U.S. on Feb. 22, 2012, but eager gamers can get their hands on it a week early by pre-ordering the First Edition Bundle. The bundle, available on Feb. 15, includes:


  • PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi system
  • PS Vita case
  • Little Deviants?game
  • 4GB memory card
  • AT&T DataConnect Pass good for one free 250MB data session ($14.99 value) upon purchase of one 250 MB data session
  • PlayStation Network game voucher provided upon 3G activation on the AT&T mobile broadband network.*


The bundle is valued at $435 and will sell for $349.99 ? an $85 bonus value.

On Feb. 22, three additional PS Vita options will be available: a Wi-Fi model for $249.99, a 3G/Wi-Fi model for $299.99 and a limited edition PS Vita Launch Bundle that will include:


  • PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi system
  • 8GB memory card
  • AT&T DataConnect Pass good for one free 250MB data session ($14.99 value) upon purchase of one 250MB data session
  • PlayStation Network game voucher provided upon 3G activation for $299.


This bundle is part of a promotional offer and availability is limited.

About GameStop Corp.

GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME), a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 company headquartered in Grapevine, Texas, is the world?s largest multichannel video game retailer. GameStop?s retail network and family of brands include 6,627 company-operated stores in 17 countries worldwide and online The network also includes:?, a leading browser-based game site; Game Informer(R) magazine, the leading multi-platform video game publication; Spawn Labs, a streaming technology company; and a digital PC game distribution platform available at

General information on GameStop Corp. can be obtained at the company?s corporate website. Follow GameStop on Twitter @? find GameStop on Facebook

*Mobile Broadband access requires DataConnect Pass plan for other specified devices. Time begins expiring immediately upon purchase/activation, whether you are using the service or not. Once your time expires or the allotted data is used, whichever comes first, your data access will cease. 30 day domestic plans automatically renew, unless you cancel auto-renewal. Fees are non-refundable. For full terms see DataConnect Pass Wireless Data Services Agreement on? Mobile broadband coverage not available in all areas.


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Police clear tents from Occupy site in Washington

U.S. Park Police remove evidence seized in Occupy DC demonstrator's tents as they enforce no camping laws at McPherson Square in Washington, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

U.S. Park Police remove evidence seized in Occupy DC demonstrator's tents as they enforce no camping laws at McPherson Square in Washington, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

An Occupy DC demonstrator, who did not provide his name, yells at U.S. Park Police after they tore-down his tent as police enforced a no camping law at McPherson Square, a federal park near the White House in Washington, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

U.S. Park Police face off with Occupy DC demonstrators as the enforce a no camping law at McPherson Square, a federal park near the White House in Washington, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

U.S. Park Police Chief Phil Beck talks with an Occupy DC demonstrator as his officers go about enforcing a no camping law at McPherson Square, a federal park near the White House in Washington, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

Occupy DC demonstrator David Plaskettem, of Norfolk, Va., moves his tent as U.S. Park Police enforce a no camping law at McPherson Square, a federal park near the White House in Washington, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Dozens of U.S. Park Police officers in riot gear and on horseback converged before dawn Saturday on one of the last remaining Occupy sites in the U.S., with police clearing away tents they said were banned under park rules.

At least seven people were arrested. Officials said it was relatively peaceful but got tense late in the day when an officer was struck in the face with a brick as police pushed protesters out of the last section of the park. The officer was taken to a hospital for treatment.

Protesters held a general assembly Saturday evening and vowed to continue the movement. One of the speakers acknowledged the injured officer and urged everyone to practice nonviolence.

Dozens have been camped since Oct. 1 in McPherson Square, just blocks from the White House. Similar to the New York protesters, who strategically occupied a park near Wall Street to highlight their campaign against economic inequality, the District of Columbia group selected a space along Washington's K Street. The street is home to some of the nation's most powerful lobbying firms.

Police insisted they were not evicting the protesters. Those whose tents conformed to regulations were allowed to stay, and protesters can stay 24 hours a day as long as they don't camp there with blankets or other bedding. Police threatened to seize tents that broke the rules and arrest the owners.

The police used barricades to cordon off sections of McPherson Square, a park under federal jurisdiction, and checked tents for mattresses and sleeping bags and sifted through piles of garbage and other belongings. Some wore yellow biohazard suits to guard against diseases identified at the site in recent weeks. Officials also have raised concerns about a rat infestation.

Eventually most of the protesters were pushed into the surrounding streets, which were closed to traffic.

By Saturday afternoon, seven were arrested, including four who refused to move from beneath a statue and three who crossed a police line.

Despite what police said, some protesters said the crackdown amounted to eviction.

"This is a slow, media-friendly eviction," protester Melissa Byrne said. "We're on federal property, so they have to make it look good."

The officers poured into McPherson Square just before 6 a.m., some on horseback and others wearing routine riot gear. As a helicopter hovered overhead, they shut down surrounding streets and formed neat, uniform lines inside the park.

The police initially turned their focus to dragging out wood, metal and other items stored beneath a massive blue tarp ? which protesters call the "Tent of Dreams" ? that had been draped around a statue of Maj. Gen. James McPherson, a Union general in the American Civil War in the 1860s. Protesters agreed to remove the tent.

Later, in a lighter moment, Park Police used a cherry-picker to remove a mask of 17th-century English revolutionary Guy Fawkes that had been placed on the statue.

Jeff Light, a lawyer who represents a couple of Occupy protesters and who was at McPherson Square, said he expected to challenge the police actions in court. He said he was frustrated because a lawyer for the government had said there were no plans to seize tents that complied with the regulations.

"Here they are," Light said, "doing something different than what they said in court."

The Washington demonstration is among the last remaining Occupy sites, enjoying constitutional protections guaranteeing freedom of speech and assembly rights by virtue of its location on federal park service property.


Associated Press Writer Brett Zongker contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Romney focuses on Obama, Gingrich on Romney in NV (AP)

LAS VEGAS ? A confident Mitt Romney accused President Barack Obama of failing to do enough to create jobs as he campaigned Friday ahead of GOP presidential caucuses this weekend in a state with sky-high unemployment and foreclosure rates. Newt Gingrich, who is fighting for a respectable showing here, rolled out a fresh line of criticism by comparing the former Massachusetts governor to Obama.

"It isn't good enough for the Republican Party to nominate Obama lite," Gingrich told a boisterous crowd at a rally at country music club in this entertainment hub. He argued that Romney "clearly is against the American ideal" and doesn't understand the free market.

Romney didn't immediately counter the attack.

He cruised to victory in Florida last Tuesday, handily won this state four years ago and is heavily favored to win Saturday's contest. Gingrich, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum also are on the ballot. But Romney, a Mormon, has an existing network of support from his 2008 race and likely will again benefit from the support of members of his church, many of whom live in Nevada.

Clearly in command, Romney spent Friday largely ignoring Gingrich and focusing the on the economy, and for good reason. Nevada's unemployment rate was 12.6 in December ? well above the national average ? after a record economic bust that saw bustling construction sites abandoned and master-planned communities overtaken by foreclosures.

As he swept through Reno, Elko and Las Vegas, Romney sought to convince weary voters that he alone had the prescriptions for what ails the country ? even as the government reported that a quarter-million Americans streamed back into the workforce in January and unemployment tumbled to 8.3 percent. Romney acknowledged the brightening economic picture but argued that it had little to do with Obama or his policies.

"The policies of this administration have not been helpful. They, in fact, have been harmful. They have slowed down the recovery, made it more difficult," Romney said at a home and yard supply company in Reno, where he talked about the economy with local business leaders. "The president deserves the blame that he'll receive in this campaign."

Gingrich, in an interview on CNN, said the Democrat's policies have driven up the national debt and raised the price of gasoline.

"The economy even at 8.3 percent is dramatically weaker than it was under Ronald Reagan at this exact same point in his first term," he said.

But as Gingrich looks to recover from a shellacking in Florida, he chose to spend much of his time hammering home his latest argument against a Romney presidency ? that there is virtually no difference between Romney and Obama.

For the second day in a row, Gingrich castigated Romney for saying that he's not focused on the poor because they already have a safety net. Romney has said he misspoke, but Gingrich sought to use the moment to gain the upper hand, saying it's another instance where Romney and Obama are similar.

"Obama is big food stamp. He's little food stamp. But they both think foods stamps are OK," said Gingrich. "I don't think food stamps are the future for America."

Invoking a deep-pocked donor to liberal causes, Gingrich added: "I don't think the Republican Party wants to approve a George Soros-approved candidate. I think we want a candidate who represents Americans who work, pay taxes and believe in the Declaration of Independence ? not somebody who clearly is against the American ideal."

Gingrich, who has been on the defensive over his work for Freddie Mac, also sought to turn the tables on Romney, who invested in the housing giant that has been blamed for helping cause the housing meltdown.

"We did not create Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac so rich guys like Mitt Romney and Goldman Sachs could make money," Gingrich said.

Gingrich has kept a light schedule in Nevada as he fights for a respectable showing and looks for the GOP contest to turn to the South again in March.

Paul campaigned in Nye County, Nevada, the sole county he carried in the state's caucuses in 2008. The Texas congressman came in second behind Mitt Romney that year, but he hopes to win the state outright this time.

"The will listen to Nevada if we do well here," Paul told a raucous rally of a few hundred supporters in Pahrump.

Paul was set to address a gathering of gun enthusiasts in Las Vegas before flying to Minnesota, where he will campaign ahead of that state's caucuses on Tuesday.

Santorum was in Missouri, which holds a non-binding contest Tuesday. Gingrich is not on the ballot there.

To that end, Santorum cast Gingrich's effort as a decaying campaign and said that the former House speaker's decision to stay in the race was only helping Romney.

"With Speaker Gingrich out of the race, almost all of the votes he has go to me," Santorum said in Hannibal, Mo., pointing to the upcoming Missouri contest as a chance to illustrate his point. "When we go head to head with Gov. Romney, we can beat him."


Associated Press writers Philip Elliott in Hannibal, Mo., and Beth Fouhy in Pahrump, Nev., contributed to this report.


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