Monday, December 31, 2012

Snooki And JWoww Give Us Their New Year's Eve Play-By-Play

'Jersey Shore' stars map out their plans to co-host 'MTV's Club NYE 2013' special.
By Nadeska Alexis, with reporting by Jocelyn Vena

JWoww and Snooki
Photo: Getty Images


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GOP Rep. Supports DOMA Repeal

Rep. Richard Hanna, a Republican congressman from New York who was voted into office in the 2010 Tea Party election, has come out in favor of repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and guaranteeing federal recognition of all legal marriages performed in the states.

?New York State allows all its citizens the freedom to marry the person they love,? he said. ?Under the Tenth Amendment, the federal government has a Constitutional responsibility to respect New York?s right to set its own laws. It?s my job to see that it does.

?It is right to extend equal protection under federal law to all couples who are legally married without infringing upon religious freedom and beliefs,? Hanna continued. ?This legislation does not tell states who can be married or who must be treated as married, nor does it require any religious institution to violate their own convictions.

?I respect the deeply held beliefs on both sides of this issue,? he said. ?The simple fact remains that the federal government has a responsibility to ensure all legally married couples are treated equally under federal law ? and this bill would achieve that proper standard.?

He is the second Republican member of the House to do so, following Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida.


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Report: A Huawei Partner Offered To Sell a Whole Bunch of Embargoed HP Gear to Iran

Huawei is definitely a growing force in the world of mobile, but the United States has always been wary of it, even if the White House says Huawei isn't spying for China. Now there's been a bit of funny business. According to Reuters, a close Huawei partner offered millions of dollars worth of embargoed HP equipment to Iran. More »


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

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Pakistan authorities say 21 tribal paramilitaries kidnapped by militants Thursday near the city of Peshawar have been found shot dead.

Regional government spokesman Naveed Akbar Khan said officials found the bodies ...


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South Africa Top Google searches 2012

  • Zambia News.Net - Saturday 29th December, 2012

    Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush has been moved out of intensive care and into a regular room at Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas. The 88-year-old former president entered the hospital ...

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    That's exactly what happened to Rodrigo Martinez when he vowed to change his ways. And he is good with it. The Ventura teen spent part of last summer in Jos, Nigeria, teaching youngsters in the ...

  • South Africa Top Google searches 2012

    RNW - Saturday 29th December, 2012

    American singer, producer and model Whitney Houston, who died in February this year, was the most searched in the People category, followed by Olympic medallist Caster Semenya and celebrity actor, ...

  • First Woman of African Descent Elected to UK Parliament

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    David Cameron's Conservative Party has quietly made history by electing the first woman of African descent to British Parliament. Helen Grant, whose father is Nigerian, practiced family law in ...

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    Saturday, December 29, 2012

    George H.W. Bush moved out of intensive care

    Former President George H.W. Bush remains in a Houston, Texas, hospital due to nagging health issues. NBC's Gabe Gutierrez reports.

    By Reuters

    Former President George H.W. Bush's condition has improved enough for him to be moved out of the intensive care unit and into a regular patient room at the Houston hospital where he has been receiving treatment, a spokesman said on Saturday.

    Bush, 88, entered Methodist Hospital on Nov. 23 with bronchitis. He was sent to intensive care last Sunday after setbacks including a persistent fever.

    "The Bushes thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes," said a statement from the former president's spokesman.

    Bush was the 41st U.S. president and is the father of former President George W. Bush. In a political career spanning four decades, Bush, a Republican, also served as a congressman, ambassador to the United Nations, envoy to China, CIA director, and vice president for two terms under Ronald Reagan.

    Bush has lower-body parkinsonism, which causes a loss of balance, and has used a wheelchair for more than a year.

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    Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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    Spielberg on Spielberg: 'I Have a Lot More Patience Than I Ever Gave Myself Credit For'

    For a recent episode of "Oprah's Next Chapter," Oprah visited Steven Spielberg in the same Dreamworks office where she'd auditioned for "The Color Purple" almost 30 years before. There, she and the acclaimed filmmaker sat down to chat about his newest project, "Lincoln." During the course of their conversation, other topics came up -- such as how Spielberg's children have impacted his work over the years...

    OPRAH: I've seen the film ["Lincoln"] now twice. Saw it again last night. The first time I saw it, I woke up the next morning and I was still filled with it. And every time I speak of it, it makes my eyes water. I can't imagine what it took to bring that to life. And I want to know: How long did you dream this dream of "Lincoln"?

    STEVEN: Well, I've been dreaming the dream of Lincoln like a lot of kids do when they're in school. When I was younger, my Uncle Bernard took me to the Lincoln Memorial and I saw Lincoln sitting in his chair for the first time. And it absolutely terrified me. Because it was just so massive.

    OPRAH: Right.

    STEVEN: Colossal. And I was so small. When my uncle saw that I was frightened, we left. I turned around and looked at the face of Lincoln and I suddenly wasn't frightened anymore. It was one of those things. The wisdom and comfort and father figure for me at that moment.

    OPRAH: As an African-American, you can't imagine how emotional the film is. As an African-American, what is so moving to me is the line where he says, "Not just for the 4 million, but for the generations to come."

    STEVEN: Yes. Exactly.

    OPRAH: As I sit in that theater, I recognize I am a part of "the generations to come." I wonder: Has there been a moment when you yourself literally cried about it?

    STEVEN: Daniel [Day-Lewis, who plays Lincoln in the film] always made me cry. He got those tears rolling a number of times on the film.

    OPRAH: Any particular scene?

    STEVEN: I think the first time was when he gave his very long and important explanation of why he needed to get the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery passed as Constitutional law. That was the first time I kind of needed to go into the other room.

    OPRAH: Really?

    STEVEN: So nobody could see how I was feeling. Because that's not a good thing.

    OPRAH: When the director becomes emotional.

    STEVEN: Not a good thing, no. My emotion about Lincoln came the closer I got to him as a man. I began to feel really choked up when I first realized how he really suffered. [It] almost seems to me that he saw way out there, a little bit like Martin Luther King saw, to the horizon.

    OPRAH: Okay, would you have done this without Daniel Day-Lewis?

    STEVEN: For a time I was going do it with Liam Neeson. But then, you know, we just decided to move in two different directions. I was sitting around at home one day realizing I'm never going to make "Lincoln." It's just never going to happen. And Leo DiCaprio came over for dinner that night; it was just my wife and Leo and myself. We were sitting around and Leo said, "What's happening with Lincoln? You've been, what, five years on this thing?" And I said, "Longer." I told Leo the whole story, and I told him I had tried to approach Daniel on another screenplay and I wasn't able to re-approach Daniel. And the next day, my assistant said "Leo's on the phone." He said, "You got a pencil? Write this down. This is Daniel Day-Lewis's cell phone. He's expecting your call." Leo had gone to bat for me and had called Daniel on the telephone and got Daniel and I together. Everything at that point started really moving quickly.

    Steven Spielberg's movies have grossed over 8.5 billion dollars -- more than any other filmmaker. He's written, produced or directed over 100 films. Yet he's revealed little of himself in his 40-year career...

    OPRAH: Everything that's been said and written about you... we still really don't know who you are. Would you say that the best of yourself is in your films?

    STEVEN: I think the best of myself is at the dinner table with my kids and my wife. And my parents and my sisters. I think that's the best -- and my close friends. I think that's the best of me.

    OPRAH: Wow. What has seven kids taught you about yourself?

    STEVEN: One thing they've certainly taught me is that I have a lot more patience than I ever gave myself credit for.

    OPRAH: Mm hmm.

    STEVEN: You develop that quickly when you start having kids one after the other. The other thing they really taught me about myself was that I tend to think of them when I'm working: "What about this project is going to attract them? What will appeal to them? What will leave them with something? Is there any value in the story I'm telling beyond superficial entertainment value?" And I never asked myself that question until I began having kids.

    Tune in to "Oprah's Next Chapter" each Sunday at 9 p.m. ET on OWN.

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    Hubble eyes the needle galaxy: IC 2233, one of the flattest galaxies known

    Dec. 28, 2012 ? Like finding a silver needle in the haystack of space, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has produced a beautiful image of the spiral galaxy IC 2233, one of the flattest galaxies known.

    Typical spiral galaxies like the Milky Way are usually made up of three principal visible components: the disk where the spiral arms and most of the gas and dust is concentrated; the halo, a rough and sparse sphere around the disk that contains little gas, dust or star formation; and the central bulge at the heart of the disk, which is formed by a large concentration of ancient stars surrounding the Galactic Center.

    However, IC 2233 is far from being typical. This object is a prime example of a super-thin galaxy, where the galaxy's diameter is at least ten times larger than the thickness. These galaxies consist of a simple disk of stars when seen edge on. This orientation makes them fascinating to study, giving another perspective on spiral galaxies. An important characteristic of this type of objects is that they have a low brightness and almost all of them have no bulge at all.

    The bluish color that can be seen along the disk gives evidence of the spiral nature of the galaxy, indicating the presence of hot, luminous, young stars, born out of clouds of interstellar gas. In addition, unlike typical spirals, IC 2233 shows no well-defined dust lane. Only a few small patchy regions can be identified in the inner regions both above and below the galaxy's mid-plane.

    Lying in the constellation of Lynx, IC 2233 is located about 40 million light-years away from Earth. This galaxy was discovered by British astronomer Isaac Roberts in 1894.

    This image was taken with the Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys, combining visible and infrared exposures. The field of view in this image is approximately 3.4 by 3.4 arcminutes.

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

    Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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    Friday, December 28, 2012

    Best social media companies in Mexico

    The importance of the internet for businesses is unquestionable. Nine out of ten people look for information on the Internet every single day and 90% of these decide what they?ll buy from what they?ll see on the internet. More than 85% of Mexican internet users use social media so this is clearly something that companies there mustn?t ignore. In fact it?s very importamnt for companies to use social media correctly nowadays. Here are some of the top social media companies in Mexico:



    This company which is headquartered in Mexico DF, has been boosting brands for seven years now, offering all sorts of services such as email marketing, internet advertising campaigns, bluetooth advertising, commerce and communication strategies and website development as well as social media.



    This company, which is based both in Mexico and the United States, specializes in digital branding optimization, social media strategic management and social presence monetization.



    This company specializes in social media, web design and development as well as SEO. It helps with social network production and atrategy, as well as constructing and mantaining skins and profiles on social networks. It also helps creating widgets, gadgets and facebook apps by monitoring, administering and upkeep.

    Atomo interactive


    This company is an interactive agency which specializes in the development of integral communication strategies that will combine the user?s experience with the interactivity, social media and SEO.



    This social media marketing company combines Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn to effectively boost your brand. Although practically anybone can use social media, in order to make the most of these great tools having an expert is much more convenient.


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